You Might Be a Cafeteria Mormon If…

Let Consequence Follow

What is a cafeteria Mormon?

It might mean different things to different people but to me it has always meant that a member does not believe every teaching and/or scripture of the LDS church.  They pick and choose what they believe as if they were in a cafeteria line picking and choosing what they want to eat.  Many believing members would never admit to being a cafeteria Mormon because it implies they are less than a “true believer”.  I think they might be surprised at what qualifies them for this esteemed category so I’ve provided some examples to help people to get a quick idea about whether they or someone they know is a cafeteria Mormon.

Without further ado…

You might be a cafeteria Mormon if…

1.  You don’t believe remarrying after divorce makes you an adulterer.

I know right?  But it actually gets even better.  Anyone who marries a divorced…

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